Do Miracles Happen Even In Todays Modern World?
Welcome to this page especially put up for anyone who has a comment on the Amazon book ‘Miracles Manifest!’
If you have something you would like to input feel free to comment below. Meanwhile I will ramble on about the subject of miracles!
There are countless thousands of people who could testify to the fact that miracles do happen. Whether in the realm of a miraculous healing experience, or as a result of getting prayers answered.
Do miracles happen today? YES I believe they do on a regular basis. God is working in our lives constantly to guide, heal, and comfort us. And if this means a miracle of physical healing or ‘happy coincidence’ Then “God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20.
What is a Miracle?
Sometimes what seems like a miracle, could easy be construed by doubters as mere coincidence “I just missed being killed by that car” sort of miracle, or “I prayed for rain, and it rained‘ – in the rainy season…
Most people could look back on their lives, and say that something akin to a miracle has happened to them, but they may or may not attribute it to answered prayer or an ‘act of God’ – it just happened!
Of course anwers to prayers may not always be regarded as a ‘miracle’ but rather a natural course of events. For instance in the example above, if I pray for the rain to come and the crops to grow, and it does happen in that order, is this still a miracle – or just nature doing what it does best?
Miracles come in many forms, and not always in an amazing, fantastical way. Someone being healed of cancer for example, without direct medical intervention but through prayer alone would be regarded as an amazing miracle
However I believe it is still fair to say that if they had prayer AND medical intervention that resulted in the cancer being defeated, then this could also be regarded as a miracle.
Creation itself, with all its intricacies is indeed a miracle beyond comprehension. What we are considering here though, are miracles that happen as a direct result of prayer – on top of the ‘everyday creation story’.
For the sake of this short article, we are not interested in ‘circumstantial prayers’ but only in prayers answered (or not) as a result of prayer to the Christian God. To be more accurate still – through his Son Jesus Christ.
Some would argue that ALL prayers are answered – but sometimes not in the way we expected them to be. That may well be so, and not a million miles away from what this book goes into.
This book ‘Miracles Manifest, takes a not dissimilar view of answered prayer. However it could admittedly just ‘blow your mind’
What if all prayer is indeed answered, but because of doubt and/or unbelief it cannot manifest itself physically? Instead the answered prayer remains waiting to be ‘downloaded’ and made manifest.
Do we have to believe to see a miracle?
Well the scripture does say many times that that we MUST believe to get our prayers answered – just like this one in Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Or Matthew 11:22: “If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”
Just do a quick search and you will find countless scriptures to back this up. Hard as it may seem to us, unless we believe without doubt that our prayers have been answered even as we utter them, then we may not see the results we are hoping for.
Yes, it does seem a little harsh perhaps.
But what if there’s another angle at play here? What if our prayers have indeed been answered, but we have yet to see them manifest? What if the crazy proposition put forward by James Paris in his book ‘Miracles Manifest’ is actually correct!
If so then this could be a real game changer, possibly a life changer. If all you have to do is believe in order to manifest a change – how hard can that be…
The theory that your prayers are always answered is not new in itself. However this, my own particular slant on the ‘problem’ I’m fairly sure you will not have heard before
Are your actions and operations really that different from your home PC and how it operates?
And is it possible we can learn something about answered prayer from a soulless machine The answers to these questions according to this book, could quite simply change your whole prayer life!
If you haven’t already read the book you can check it out by clicking on the picture opposite, or go to Amazon direct through this link