A Brief Summary Of Each Book Of The Bible
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A summary of the book of Daniel as recorded in 'The Bible Brief' Bible summary book The Prophet Daniel was one of the major prophets of the Old Testament, and possibly one of the most influencial...
Christians And E-Cigarettes: Recently I had a big debate with a couple of Christian friends about the issue of e-cigs. In particular, I wanted to look at this subject. Should be smoking these...
A summary of the book of Jeremiah as recorded in 'The Bible Brief' Bible summary book This is an outline or summary of the Bible Prophet Jeremiah - a huge influence in the Biblical account of The...
A summary of the book of Isaiah as recorded in 'The Bible Brief' Bible summary book Without doubt Isaiah can be regarded as one of the Giants amongst the Major prophets of the Bible. As such this...
What Is The Bible? The Bible is not a single book, but rather a collection of books and letters (or epistles) that have been brought together over several hundred years to form 1 complete work...
The Historical Setting Of The Prophet Zechariah Zechariah began his work two months after his contemporary Haggai according to Zech 1:1. This would place him about November 520 BC. Background...