I think it is fair to say that the book of James – and particularly chapter 2 – makes for fairly uncomfortable reading for the average ‘armchair Christian’.
Indeed the great reformer Martin Luther referred to the epistle of James as an ‘epistle of straw’ and he himself struggled with the apparent contradiction between this and the writings of St Paul that emphasised ‘For we maintain that a person is justified by Faith apart from works…” (Rom 3:28)
Or Ephesians 2 vs 8,9 – ‘For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.’
So are Paul and James in disagreement?
Let’s look at more depth into what James is actually saying in chapter 2 of his epistle beginning with verse 14…
Verse 14: Faith Without Works: A Hollow Confession
“What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?”
In this verse, James challenges the notion of a faith that exists in mere words without corresponding deeds. He questions the effectiveness of a faith that does not translate into action.
James emphasizes that genuine faith is not just a verbal claim but is demonstrated through practical works and righteous living. The rhetorical question he poses underscores the importance of active faith, indicating that a faith devoid of works cannot bring salvation, as without corresponding works no-one would know about the faith.
Verse 17: Faith and Works: The Vital Union
“Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.”
James drives home his point by stating that faith, when isolated from works, is lifeless and unproductive. He paints a vivid picture of faith as a tree bearing no fruit.
In this analogy, faith represents the tree, and works are the fruits it produces. A living and active faith naturally results in righteous actions and good works, demonstrating its vitality and authenticity.
Without such deeds, faith remains stagnant and ineffective, akin to a withered or dead tree.
Verse 20: Faith Unaccompanied: A Futile Struggle
“But are you willing to recognize, you foolish person, that faith without works is useless?”
James uses strong language to challenge those who fail to acknowledge the inseparable link between faith and works. He refers to those who separate faith and works as “foolish” because they misunderstand the essence of true faith.
Strong words indeed.
He argues that Faith, in its genuine form, naturally motivates believers to engage in acts of kindness, compassion, and righteousness. Ignoring this fundamental connection renders faith ineffective and void of its intended impact on both the believer and the world.
Verse 24: Justified by Works: The Evidence of Genuine Faith
“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”
In this pivotal verse, James clarifies the relationship between faith and justification. He counters the notion that faith alone is sufficient for salvation. Instead, he asserts that justification, the process of being declared righteous before God, involves both faith and works.
Works are the evidence of genuine faith, demonstrating the transformation that occurs within a believer. Faith without accompanying works lacks the transformative power necessary for salvation.
James emphasizes the holistic nature of faith, highlighting that true faith produces righteous deeds, leading to the believer’s justification.
Verse 26: Faith and Works: The Dynamic Duo of Spiritual Life
“For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”
James concludes his argument with a powerful analogy comparing faith to a body and works to the spirit within. Just as a lifeless body lacks the animating force of the spirit, faith without works is devoid of vitality and impact.
This analogy vividly illustrates the synergy between faith and works. Faith breathes life into a believer, and works serve as the visible, tangible manifestation of that living faith.
A faith that lacks corresponding deeds is as ineffectual as a car without an engine. It may be pushed around but it cannot drive anywhere!
James urges believers to embody their faith through actions, emphasizing that genuine faith is dynamic, transformative, and inseparable from the good works it produces.
So if Faith without works is dead – what exactly do we mean by ‘ Works?’
The Meaning of ‘Works’ vs Faith alone
In the context of James 2:14-26, the term “works” refers to outward actions, deeds, or behaviours that demonstrate the sincerity and authenticity of one’s faith.
James argues that genuine faith is not merely a matter of intellectual belief or verbal confession; it must be accompanied by practical expressions of love, compassion, and obedience to God’s commands.
“Works” encompass acts of kindness, generosity, mercy, and righteousness performed in the name of faith.
James emphasizes that faith, to be meaningful, must translate into tangible actions that benefit others and glorify God. These works are the natural outcome of a transformed heart and a living relationship with God.
They include caring for the needy, showing love to neighbours, and living a life that aligns with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
By stressing the importance of works, James challenges the notion of a passive or mere theoretical faith. He argues that faith and works are inseparable components of a genuine Christian life.
True faith, he argues, motivates believers to engage in acts of service, promoting social justice, and reflecting the love of Christ to the world.
In essence, “works” represent the tangible expression of a believer’s faith, validating the authenticity of their relationship with God and their commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus.
James urges believers to demonstrate their faith through compassionate and righteous deeds, reinforcing the biblical principle that faith without corresponding works is incomplete and ineffective.
The Final Word
There are many who point to James as evidence that someone who claims to be a Christian and yet does not show it by their good deeds or ‘works’ is not ‘saved’.
This is however to misconstrue the true message that James was trying to get across – works is the outward evidence of an inner faith. It ‘shines a light’ on the inner Faith of the individual.
It is not – and cannot be – evidence that an individual is actually saved. If this were the case then everybody – believer or not – who does good deeds is saved and destined to Heaven in accordance with their deeds.

We know that this is not the case.
On a purely practical level. If works were indeed linked to salvation, then the individual who is unable to work owing to health or other circumstances out-with their control, could not be saved.
In verse 26 James says that ‘Faith without works is dead’. Meaning simply that it is ineffective and unlikely to have an impact on the community.
So taken in proper context we can see that James and Paul are not at loggerheads with regard to salvation at all.
In simple terms. The writings of Paul emphasizes Grace over Law and the gift of salvation, whilst James emphasizes the Evidence of salvation through good deeds.