Prophet Micah Summary

Introducing The Minor Prophet Micah Micah Historical Setting The period is approx 770-710 B.C . although it is generally thought that the book was written just before the fall and destruction of...

2 Peter Summary

Outline Of 2 Peter A brief introduction and overview of the book of 2 Peter The Bible Brief's 2 Peter Summary: When:Written about A.D. 66.Who:The Apostle Peter.People & Places:Christ;...

2 Corinthians Summary

Summary Of 2 Corinthians A brief introduction and overview of the book of 2 Corinthians The Bible Brief's 2 Corinthians Summary: When:Around A.D.55.Who:Paul himself.People &...

1 Corinthians Summary

Summary Of 1 Corinthians A brief introduction and overview of the book of 1 Corinthians The Bible Brief's 1 Corinthians Summary: When:Around A.D.55.Who:Paul himself. (Ch.1:1)People &...

Summary Of Galatians

Summary Of Pauls Epistle to the Galatian Church A brief introduction and overview of the Epistle of Paul written to the early church at Galatia. As recorded in 'The Bible Brief' (with all...